Some Helpful Tips for PTE Exams

One of the tricks in doing the PTE Examinations is to know what are those situations and questions that are kept repeated on the Exams. Thus, sharing with you at this time this list of things which appear repeatedly in PTE. Hope they can be of help to those who are preparing themselves for the actual PTE examinations. For more tips on those English Test preparations, just include in your list the source: h ttp:// for they further offer more tips on the various English Tests like IELTS, PTE, and others. imagecredit: Here are sample tips on PTE English Test: 1. When one is feed up- example of a negative feeling 2. Refers to democratic government- people vote 3. Term used for washing clothes- laundry 4. Transportation found in developed countries- public transport 5. What is paying at the counter after you do shopping- check out 6. Used to magnify minimal obje...