Some Helpful Tips for PTE Exams

          One of the tricks in doing the PTE Examinations is to know what are those situations and questions that are kept repeated on the Exams. Thus, sharing with you at this time this list of things which appear repeatedly in PTE. Hope they can be of help to those who are preparing themselves for the actual PTE examinations. 

           For more tips on those English Test preparations, just include in your list the source: for they further offer more tips on the various English Tests like IELTS, PTE, and others.

Here are sample tips on PTE English Test:

1. When one is feed up- example of a negative feeling
2. Refers to democratic government- people vote
3. Term used for washing clothes- laundry
4. Transportation found in developed countries- public transport
5. What is paying at the counter after you do shopping- check out
6. Used to magnify minimal objects- microscope
7. Term for agriculture based country- farming economy
8. Study of living things- Biology
9. What do you call the first story of a building?- basement
10. Study that focuses on stars and planets- Astronomy
11. Organ which is the focus of study and field of cardiologists- heart
12.  Time that refers to afternoon- post meridian
13. Who cuts men's hair- barber
14. Term used for any person belonging to an organisation- member
15.  Name of our planet- Earth
16.  Person in charge of any leaking pipes- plumber
17. Who is more inclined to playing football?- men
18. Business and advertising PR means- public relation
19. Most common equipment at home- bed
20. Place where we store meat- freezer
21. Hand joint with arm- wrist
22. Term used when people elect their elders and leaders- democratic government
23. How many days in a leap year?- 366
24. Refer to ground military forces- Army
25. Term when someone is unable to see- blind
26. Used to clim a roof- ladder
27. The event placed in an order- timeline
28. Used to see from a far distance- binoculars
29. Refers to as the most essential document when driving- driver's license
30.  What is the term where microscope is used to see?- microorganism
31.  Easily transfer from one computer to another- virus
32. volume referring to water- liters
33.  Football in-charge- referee
34. Where do you go when you arrive at any hotel?- reception

          This list is just examples of those situations or terms that are popular in the PTE Test. Just remember all other tips that include the self preparation like sleep properly on the day before the test, have a sound mind and body on the test day and many more. Hope by knowing them, you will also be helped in your test preparations.



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